MP CJ Computer Basics Notes PDF Download
- Computer- Charles babbage
- Internet- Vint Cerf
- Computer mouse - Douglas Englebart.
- First super computer developed in India was- PARAM.
- C+ Language developed by- Bjarne Stroustrup.
- BIOS- Basic input output system.
- COBOL- Common business oriented language.
- CRT- Cathode Ray Tube
- DTP- Desk Top Publishing
- DVD- digital versatile disk.
- EPROM- erasable Programmable Read only memory.
- EEPROM- Erasable programmable Read only memory
- PROM- Programmable read only memory
- FORTAN- Formula transaction.
- LLP- low level language
- RTF- Rich Text Format
- UOS- Uninterruptible Power Supply( provides battery backup for a limited time)
- USB- Universal serial bus.
- Half byte is known as- Nibble.
- I nibble is equal to – 4 bit.
- 8 bits make up a-Byte
- String of bits stored in computer memory is called- WORD
- Smallest unit of storage- KB.
- largest unit of storage-PB
- Gigabyte GB is approximately 1 billion bytes.
- 1 nibble= 4 bits
- 1 BYTE= 8 BITS
- 1KB=1024 BYTES
- 1MB=1024KB
- 1GB=1024 MB
- 1TB=1024GB
- 1PB=1024TB
- 1EB-1024PB
- 1ZB=1024EB
- 1YB=ZB
- Workstation ,
- Mainframe computer( large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users.)
- Mini computer,
- super computer( contain thousands of microprocessor) /Fastest computer
- notebook is the smallest type of computers.
- Capacitive, Resistive, Strain Gauge is a type of touch screen technology.
- Rules to exchange data between the computer is called Protocol.
- Rules of behaviour to be followed on Internet communication are called- NETIQUETTE.
- Altavista, Dogpil, HotBOT and Lycos.
- Yahoo, google, duck duck go.
- Software refers to- programs
- Primary purpose of software is to turn data into information.
- Computer software is a set of instructions.
- System software:
- the users interacts primarily with application software,
- System software enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware.
- System software is a “background software that helps the computer to manage its own internal resource.
- System software is not a single program, rather it is a collection of programs, including the operating system, utilities and device drivers etc.
- Operating system: operating system works as a mediator between hardware , application software and user.
- Operating system: operating system works as a mediator between hardware , application software and user.
- Ubuntu, (Used in Indian Courts)
- MS Windows,
- Linux,
- Booting – is loading the operating system into a personal computer.
- A computer cannot boot, if it does not have the- operating system.
- The operating system tells the computer how to use its components
- Operating system is said to be multi tasking if- more than one programs can run simultaneously.
- Translator-
- Translator-
- Converts instruction written in programming language or source code to
- Machine language or object code.
- Assembler
- Complier
- interpreter
- Utility are called service program: utility is a program which make easy to use a computer.
- Disk formatting
- Disk cleaner
- Disk compression
- Backup program
- Virus scanner
- Debugger- debugging is the process of searching bugs in software.
- Disk derfagmentation
- Disk formatting
- Data communication software
- Application software :is a software which is used to do a particular task.
- Microsoft office,
- Abode Pagemaker,
- Open office,
- Web browser- software allows you to read web pages and surf the internet .
- Word processing programs,
- Spreadsheet, MS excel
- Ms power point,
- Photo editing,
- Computer graphics
- Database- are type of application software.
- Operating system is most common type of system software.
- Ubuntu is an open source software.
- Modem works both as input and output device.
- web camera
- keyboard
- mouse
- scanner
- speaker/headphone
- monitor/computer monitor
- platter
- screen image projector.
- Printer- two types:
- Impact printer
- Non Impact Printer.
- A stand alone system which produces one page of print out at a time is- Page Printer.
- Laser printer- among fastest printer.
- A stand alone system which produces one page of print out at a time is- Page Printer.
- Primary/Main/ Semi conductor memory.( primary memory lies within the CPU)
- Volatile memory. (requires power to maintain stored information)
- located on mother board.
- Temporary memory is called- RAM.
- Cache is also known by temporary memory.
- It is in RAM MEMORY- where information is temporarily stored while it is being accessed or worked on by the processor.
- Processing data, programs and processed information are held temporary in RAM.
- Upon switching off the power, VOLATILE MEMORY loses data.(because volatile memory requires electric current to retain data and so when power is turned off, all data is erased.
- located on mother board.
- Volatile memory. (requires power to maintain stored information)
- Non-volatile memory
- not require power to maintain stored information.
- And non volatile storage retains its data even after the power is turned off.
- HDD- is a storage device and are considered (NON VOLATILE STORAGE
- ROM- memory hold the program to start up the computer.
- Semiconductor
- Semiconductor
- Secondary/Auxiliary/Backing Store.
- Hard disk
- CD-R/W
- Pen Drive
- Floppy Disk
- Magnetic Tape
- Hard disk
- Blue ray- disc stores more data than a DVD.
- Computer stores its permanent memory on- HARD DISC.
- The contents of memory are lost when computer turns off.
- But the content of storage, hard disk, memory are not lost when computer turns off.
- But the content of storage, hard disk, memory are not lost when computer turns off.
- CD, RAM, DVD- ROM- are secondary storage device. (but floppy is not.)
- When you save to Secondary storage device- your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off.
- The difference between memory and storage is that memory is TEMPORARY and storage is PERMANENT.
- Floopy disk has the smallest storage capacity.
- Hard drive is the primary device that a computer uses to store information.
- Storage unit is the place where computer stores programs and data.
- C+, BASIC, COBOL, FORTAN , JAVA, PASCAL,ALGOL,SQL(Structured query language),
- BASIC-(Beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code)COMAL(Common Algorithmic language)
- ,LOGO(logic oriented graphic oriented )– computer language and examples of High Level oriented language.(But not – Tally)
- JAVA- is pure object oriented language.
- Computer language JAVA was developed by sun micro system and computer language JAVA is used on the INTERNET.
- Computer language JAVA was developed by sun micro system and computer language JAVA is used on the INTERNET.
- (ctrl,shift, alt –are called modifier keys)
- To make the number pad act as directional arrows – press- CAPS LOCK.
- Key to start PPT- F5,.
- ALT+4- is used to close the currently active application software.
- Control +M- is used to add a new slide in the current presentation in power point.
- Shortcut key to go to last line in the document- CTRL+END
- First computer virus- CREEPER.
- Error is known as bug.
- Polymorphic, worms, FAT are type of computer virus .(But Not RETRO).
- Debug is tem denotes- error correction process.
- Computer virus is a computer program.
- the maximum zoom percentage in power point- 400%
- maximum zoom percentage ms word- 500%
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Here is a list of subjects included in the study material:
S No. | Notes Name | Link |
1 | Law Of Evidence Notes By Dr. Shipra Gupta | |
2 | Mergers And Aquisitions Notes | |
3 | MP Accomodation Control Act 1961 | |
4 | MP Land revenue Code 1959 | |
5 | Legal Drafts (2500 + Drafts ) | |
6 | Income Tax And GST Drafts | |
7 | Computer Science For MP Judiciary | |
8 | Lucent Computer Book | |
9 | Polity and History Notes | |
10 | Negotiable Instrument Act | |
11 | Indian Penal Codes Notes | |
12 | Code of Civil Procedure 1908 | |
13 | Indian Contract Act 1872 | |
14 | Indian Evidence Act 1872 | |
15 | Muslim Law (Notes) Beneficial of Judicial Exam | |
16 | Indian Limitation Act ( Short Notes) | |
17 | Law Of Torts | |
18 | General Science For Judiciary | |
19 | Economic and Geography For Judiciary | |
20 | International Law ( Concise Handwritten Notes ) |
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