THE M. P. LAND REVENUE CODE, 1959 : Detailed Notes

THE M. P. LAND REVENUE CODE, 1959 : Detailed Notes

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     The land revenue systems existing before the commencement of MPLRC, 1959:-

     The present Madhya Pradesh state was established on 1st nov., 1956 under the States Re- Organization Act , 1956 . the state of Madhya Pradesh was established after combining the following areas and regions:-

  1. Mahakoshal region
  2. Madhya Pradesh state
  3. vindhya Pradesh
  4. sironj tahsil (earlier in rajasthan
  5.  Bhopal state

     There were various revenue system existing in various regions before coming into force of the code.

     malguzars were in existence in all the villages in mahakoshal area , who were given rights of ownership by the British government in 1858.

     After coming into force of the MPLRC ,1959 , all revenue systems were consolidated into one system , operative throughout the newly created state of Madhya Pradesh.

The preamble of the code states in clearest terms that it is :-

     An act to consolidate and amend the law relating to land revenue , the powers of Revenue Officers , rights and liabilities of holders of land from the state government agricultural tenures and other matters relating to land and the liabilities incidental thereto in MadhyaPradesh.

The preamble indicates the purpose of the code as follows :-

  1. It is a code meant to consolidate the law relating to the subjects enumerated therein;
  2. It is an act to amend the law relating to the subjects enumerated therein

The subjects enumerated in the preamble are :-

a.      Land revenue

b.     Powers of revenue officers

c.      Rights and liabilities of holders of land from the state government

d.     Agricultural tenures ; and

e.      Other matters relating to and the liabilities incidental thereto in the states of Madhya Pradesh .

The statements of objects and reasons says that :-

     there are at  present different set of laws regarding land revenue , agricultural tenures and other matters relating thereto in force in the different regions of state.

such a state of affairs was not desirable from the point of view of efficient revenue administration and it was necessary to have a uniform legislation on the subject for the whole of the state.

     The present code was designed to achieve this object and is generally based on the existing laws in the force on the subject in the various region.

The object of MPLRC 1959:-

some of the objects are as follows

1.     Assessment of land revenue on different types land .

2.     To declare the powers of revenue officers

3.     To declare the rights and duties of the land-holders from the state govt.

4.     Defining agricultural holdings

5.     To consolidate and amend the law in respect of the concerned land and other matters and the liabilities related thereto.

Neccesity of a better land revenue law for the state of Madhya Pradesh:-

     The MPLRC 1959(ACT no. 20 of 1959) was enacted by the legislative assembly of Madhya Pradesh to consolidate and amend the law relating to land revenue, the powers of revenue officers , rights and liabilities of holders of land from the state govt. ,agriculture and other matters relating to land and the liabilities incidental thereto in Madhya Pradesh .

     there were different laws relating to land revenue , land tenure and other matters touching thereto prevalent in the different regions of the state and the legislature considered it desirable that there should be one uniform law enacted for whole of the state . there are tribal land holders in many a region of the state of Madhya Pradesh .

     the code took care to enact some special provisions taking special care of protecting the interest of such tribals .

     The agricultural experts and economic stalwarts wereb of the opinion that defective land system is one of the causes of law productivity of agricultural in India .

     It was widely recognized that without radical change in the existing land laws , no co-ordinated plan of rural reconstruction was possible .a defective land law may deny the poor peasants an inventive to produce more and a member of small and fragmented holdings may slam all doors of agrarian reforms – Reports of Famine Commission,1945.

     After independence , in some parts of the country , even earlier, the legislature of the various states made provisions to settle the land withy the actual tillers of the soil and to abolish all the intermediaries.

     Conferring of some sort of stability on the sub-tenants and abolition of zamindaries , Malguzaries, Jagiradries was the first step in this direction.

     Prior to the enforcement of the MPLRC ,1959 ,the enactments repealed by it contained provisions putting a check or even complete ban leases or Batai.

     This object was further achieved by the enforcement of MPLRC, 1959 WHICH CAME INTO FORCE ON 2ND OCTOBER ,1959.

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